World BASE Race – plan for 2025

Hi –

This Year no offecial WBR event, but we meet both at the Heliboogie Kjerag and The Extremweek Voss in June this Year.

For the 2025 season we plan a restart of the World BASE Race event – the original and 1rst BASE competition started back in 2008.

More info to be posted through the Year. see Yo soon!

We welcome the 2022 BASE season in Norway

We welcome the 2022 BASE season in Norway and look forward to meet lots of foreign jumpers again! But, sorry to say-we wait until 2023 with World BASE Race- so 2022 should be a perfect prepp Year for 2023 races!

Updated WBR 2019 Program – We jump Loen & Hellesylt, not Innfjorden this Year

Updated info!




Hello there!

This Year WBR 2019 use Loen and Hellesylt as arena, not Innfjorden as published earlier.

Du to our limited arrangement recourses, doubt about Heli & Heli allowance for landing we focus on Loen and Hellesylt to give You the jumpers the best arena available.

All paid tickets will be refunded with the diff to the lower price for the Loen & Hellesylt fee.

Look forward to see You all!

The WBR 2019 crew.


Cato has been busy testing the WBR Loen 2019 racetrack with the new finishline!

We moved the finish line a bit closer, so the new finish line is now the bridge crossing the road at the start of the gondola. All you need to do is to upload your gps to Skyderby to get your time. This is only training not the competition.

The track is out on Skyderby

Big Thanks to Aleksandr Kunin, Mr Skyderby!

World BASE Race, Finale day. 3#3 Innfjorden

Så kom finaledagen, 8 kvalifiserte og spente hoppere!

Det ble en ny fin dag i Innfjorden, selv om skyene truet der borte holdt Nonstind og de andre flotte Innfjordsfjella regnet unna oss som trenge godvær å hoppe i!

Det ble en superspennende finale, hvor de ulike teknikker, flylinjer og utstyr ble diskutert og tenkt på av smånervøse og bonkurranseinnstilte basehoppere.

Resultatene, se hvor nært det er på tidene!

The Results, ladies and gangsters, look how close!


World BASE Race, First day. 1#3 Innfjorden

A great day starting with breakfast and Jumpers brief at Innfjorden Schoolhouse. Tx to the great Innfjorden Lady’s fixing the breakfast table!

Then the hike up to Gridsetskolten 1064m, and we had 14 jumpers in the 1rst round qualify at midday, and 9 jumpers in the afternoon jumps.

Look at the pics, see You tomorrow, thanks to the spectators showing up!


We have created a spectator friendly arena to host the world’s most amazing public sporting event. Located among the beautiful fjords of Norway, this is a location like no other on earth.

We want to make this the greatest public party for athletes and spectators alike. This event demonstrates to the world the type of athletes Wingsuit pilots truly are in an exciting competition.

This is a top skilled athletic sport, where you not only have to compete head to head, but perform in front of the public.

All rounds in “The World BASE Race” have to be hiked by the athletes; therefore the winner must also be in great physical shape.

The athletes co-exist on the mountain along with the spectators making the event one of a kind in which spectators have a sense of being part of a new and exciting sport.